cs61C note3

1. Pointers and Memory

1.1 Pointers to Functions

If we have a function:

char *foo(char *a, int b) {

we can create a pointer of that type:

char *(*f)(char *, int);

which declares f as a pointer of function taking a char * and an int and returning a char *

Then we can assign to it, which create a reference to function foo

f = &foo;

And we can call it:

printf("%s\n", (*f)("cat", 3));

It’s necessary if you want to write generic code in C.

1.2 C unions

union fubar {
  int a;
  char *b;
  void c;
} Fubar;

union is accessed just like a struct:

Fubar *f = (Fubar *) malloc(sizeof(union fubar));
f->a = 1312;
f->b = "baz";

However, f->a and f->b are actually the same memory! It is just treated differently by compiler.

Common pattern that we use union:

enum FieldType {a_type, b_type, c_type};
union bar {
  char *a;
  int b;
  float c;
struct foo {
  FieldType type;
  union bar data;
struct foo *f;
switch (f->type) {
  case a_type:
    printf("%s\n", f->data.a);

1.3 How C++ works

C++ is “Object Oriented C”.

C++ objects are C structures with an extra pointer at the beginning:

  • The “vtable” pointer: Pointing to an array of pointers to functions

For inherited functions:

  • To call that function, the compiler writes code that follows the vtable, gets pointer to function, and call that.

1.4 How are Malloc/Free implemented?

Underlying operating system allows malloc library to ask for large blocks of memory to use in heap (e.g., using Unix sbrk() call)

  • This is the reason why your C code, when compiled, is dependent on particular operating system

C standard malloc library creates data structure inside unused portions to track free space:

  • This class is about how computers work: How they allocate memory is a huge component

1.5 Simple Slow Malloc Implementation


The problem here:

  • The memory heirarchy we likes things small and contiguous
  • Things start to work badly when stuff is scattered all over the place

1.6 Faster malloc implementations

  • Keep separate pools of blocks for different sized objects

  • “Buddy allocators” always round up to power-of-2 sized chunks to simplify finding correct size and merging neighboring blocks

    • They can just use a simple bitmap to know what is free or occupied.

2. Common Memory Problems

Using uninitialized values

2.1 Using memory that you don’t own:

  • Deallocated stack or heap variable
  • Out-of-bounds reference to stack or heap array
  • using NULL or garbage data as pointer
  • writing to static strings






2.2 Improper use of free/realloc

realloc(p, size) :

  • Resize a previously allocated block at p to a new size

  • If p is NULL, then realloc behaves like malloc

  • if size is 0, then realloc behaves like free

  • returns new address of the memory block; NOTE: it is likely to have moved!

int *ip;
ip = (int *) malloc(10*sizeof(int));
/* always check for ip == NULL */
ip = (int *) realloc(ip, 20*sizeof(int));
/* always check NULL, contents of first 10 elements retained */
realloc(ip, 0);

2.3 memory leaks

you allocated something that you forgot to later free


Memory leaks are not a problem if your program terminates quickly:

  • It becomes bigger problem when your program keeps running
  • or when you are running on a small embedded system
  • It will slow down your program.

Why do memory leaks slow things down?

  • memory leaks lead to fragmentation
    • as a consequence you use more memory, and its more scattered around
  • computers are designed to access contiguous memory
    • so things that cause your working memory to be spread out more and in smaller pieces slow things down.



  • Valgrind is designed to catch most of these

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